Robert Leonhard, Ph.D, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.), USA
Board Member, Board of Advisors
Mr. Leonhard joined the United States Army in 1979, and over the course of his career served as an infantry officer, planner, strategist, and combat developer. He has led units from platoon through battalion level, and served in Operation Desert Storm in a mechanized infantry task force. Working as a combat developer at the Infantry School, he later helped coordinate the Digital Division exercises at Fort Hood. He then trained as a war planner at the School of Advanced Military Studies and served as Chief of Plans, 4th Infantry Division.
Shortly after leaving the Army, Mr. Leonhard began working for the Central Intelligence Agency providing instruction in joint operations and future warfare to defense analysts from various US government agencies, including the CIA, DIA, the military services, and others. He continues in this position to this day.
From 2001 to 2004, Mr. Leonhard worked at Joint Forces Command, where he wrote the Joint Operational Warfighting Concept for Joint Forces Command, J9. He developed the main ideas of warfighting culture, complex-adaptive-systems, singular battlespace, future operations, and adaptive command.
Beginning in 2004, Mr. Leonhard began working at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory as a senior research analyst. In that capacity he created scenarios in support of Naval Expeditionary Health Service Support; designed a simulation of Customs and Border Protection operations; designed wargames for EUCOM logistics and force deployment and for AFRICOM strategy and operations; led policy wargames for OSD-Policy; designed and conducted logistics wargames for EUCOM; and much more.
Mr. Leonhard received his Ph.D in early United States history from West Virginia University, and has a master of arts in military arts and sciences and a master of science degree in international relations.
The Art of Maneuver: maneuver warfare theory and AirLand Battle. Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1991.
Fighting by Minutes: time and the art of war. New York: Praeger, 1994.
The Principles of War for the Information Age. Novato, CA: 1998.
“Little Green Men: a Primer on Russian Irregular Warfare in Ukraine, 2013-14” JHUAPL, 2015.
“The Defense of Battle Position Duffer: Cyber-Enabled Maneuver in the Multidomain Battle.” JHUAPL/Asymmetric Warfare Group, 2017.
“Fostering Effective Counter-Unconventional Warfare and Occupation” JHUAPL, 2014
“The Evolution of Strategy in the Global War on Terror, Parts I & II” JHUAPL, 2005-06.
“The China Relief Expedition: Joint Coalition Warfare in China, 1900” JHUAPL 2007.
“Visions of Apocalypse: What Jews, Christians, and Muslims Believe About The End Times, and How Those Beliefs Affect Our World” JHUAPL, 2009.
“Sun Tzu’s Bad Advice: Urban warfare in the information age”, Army. (TBP)
“The Factors of Conflict in the Early 21st Century”, Army. Washington DC: AUSA, Jan, 2003.
“The Sine Wave of Command”, Army. Nov, 2002.
“Classical Fire Support Vs. Parallel Fires”, Army. Apr, 2001.
“Garcia Who? A Crisis in Command Guidance”, Army. 2000.
“The Death of Mission Tactics”, Army. 1993.
“Physical Training for the Information Age”, Army. Nov, 1997.
“The Man in the Light Theory”, Army, Feb, 1997.
Joint Operational Warfighting Concept Suffolk: Joint Forces Command, 2002.
TRADOC Pamphlet 525-5, Capstone Operational Concept, Fort Monroe: 1998.